Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ecclestone's nonsense: F1 might say bye bye to Monza

The 21st century buisness is in the emerging markets, we all know that.
For that reason, lots of car makers started production in Brazil, China, India and so on, because it costs less, they can earn more, their cars would sell a lot there and so on...
Not only them are moving there anyway: Formula 1, for example is moving lots of events from historical race tracks in Europe to brand new ones in Brasil, India, USA and China.
Monza might be next: old circuit like Monza "aren't safe  enough", said Ecclestone to the italian magazine Panorama, "if we move from Monza, is only for economic  reason...
Of course, the quality and the organization of the track could also be better, but that's not the point..."
Damon Hill warned Ecclestone that this is a big risk, saying that without the European enthusiasm, F1 would die in whitin minutes...
He also said that "I don't think that Bernie's interested in sport. He's interested in the return it gives".
So we might say bye bye to Monza, while other race tracks, like Monaco, are "safe and organized enough" for Ecclestone...
That makes sense Bernie... -.-"

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